Saturday, October 9, 2010

Twitterville - OtnosmohT guide through the Good, the Bad and the ones who don't piss me off

According to Wikipedia, Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users' messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers. As of late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of just following individual authors.

But OtnosmohT thinks that twitter is much more than that; it's a place to meet cool friends and likeminded people, in addition to losers and morons that will waste your time.

Below, please find the OtnosmohT guide to Twitterville - #VoteTO Edition

The Good (People you should follow)

@sattva01 - At sattva01 and OtnosmohT go back....way last week. After exchanging some pleasantries, at sattva01 is one of #VoteTO's most useful sources of information on the Toronto Municipal Election. Hey that sentence rhymes! Cool.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 10/10, a perfect 10!

@smithersdealer - Who's that creepy shady character lurking around your streets corner or alleyway? Worried? Hahaha don't be. It's your friendly neighborhood @smithersdealer. In between dealing dope or meth to Mayoral Candidate George Smitherman, @smithersdealer "hands out" colorful commentary on George Smitherman. For free! But much like crack, I think this "tweeps" ultimate goal is to get us hooked on his message, and eventually turn around and charge us for it. Like crack, its addictive!

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 7/10, because drug dealers aren't really your best friend (unless your name is George Smitherman)

@notjohntory - If I were not writing this blog post today, @notjohntory would of gone under the Bad column. But, @notjohntory has proved me and everyone else on twitter wrong, by finally getting rid of that dreaded avatar of the grim reaper. Which leads me to believe there is life behind the man mask.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 5/10, safe, middle of the road but reliable

@mfac19 - Judging by the users activity on twitter, my bet is that @mfac19 is a sports fan. Also a George Smitherman hater. I would also add that @mfac19 has an acquired taste of humor. Thankfully for @mfac19, its the kind of humor I endorse.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 9/10, because your hat reminds me of this

@DR_Gumby -  In between giving me Photoshop advice and ROFLMAO moments, @DR_Gumby will take his time to share his message of distaste towards @G_Smitherman, and throw a sucker punch into (the bad) @pedro_87ca and other twitter trolls that YOU should avoid at all costs.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 6/10, because I do feel kind of gutted that you played around with the OtnosmohT original Twibboned avatar.

@Credibility2010 - It's Saturday night in Toronto and there's fuck all to do. But wait, one of my posts has been retweeted. Well, to none of OtnosmohT's surprise, @Credibility2010 has found my tweet to be true and has shared it with their 66 followers.

OtnsomohT Credibility verdict - 10/10 for doing what is right and Retweeting my posts, 0/10 for creativity and originality. Step it up dude!

@Sarahskey - @Sarahskey or the light bearer has been tweeting against @thomsonto for the longest period of time. In fact I wasn't incubated until June. For the longest list of @thomsonto fail, OtnosmohT strongly suggests following @sarahskey today, and going through the users long history. It's a bit tedious but worth your while for a good laugh.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 9/10, because only so few of us can be perfect

@LadySarahAOtnosmohT is a great person. And OtnosmohT likes that @LadySarahA agree with OtnosmohT Here's the proof. It's true, I just may be "The Great One"

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 8/10 and heading on up

The Bad (People you should avoid like herpes)

@pedro_87ca - There are so many things that annoy OtnosmohT on this planet. And @pedro_87ca personifies them all. From admitting to vandalizing police cars during the G20 Riots, to calling George Smitherman, Rocco Rossi, Joe Pantalone and Rob Ford losers while attempting to pump @thomsonto's twitter rankings while she was in the run, @pedro_87ca summarizes what is wrong about twitter today.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 0/10, if @pedro_87ca was made out of shit, he/she would be diarrhea

**Note - On October 9th, 2010 at approximately 1PM EST, @pedro_87ca created and operates the account @chop08. OtnosmohT suggests you treat that account the same as you would @pedro_87ca's.

@ThomsonTO - OtnosmohT is not sure what bothers me about @thomsonto more. Instead OtnosmohT will list these behavioral attributes

  • She actually believed she could be Mayor of Toronto
  • Once she realized she couldn't, she pulled a 180 on everything she said and supported the candidate that is the furthest from her previously stated policies
  • Her voice is annoying
  • She has crazy eyes
  • There are too many loopholes in her bio (thanks to @credibility2010)
As a person that was running for a position of trust (Such as Mayor of Canada's largest city), She has done an excellent job in erasing that in the last 10 days.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 0/10, because you should watch what you say very carefully madam

@inscrutableted - Mr Ted Clancy publicly confining to OtnosmohT that he had worked on Thomson's team, much like his boss lady, Ted pulled a complete 180, ignoring all the past posts and comments he said about Smitherman (see A, B and C) and jumped in bed with George Smitherman after a night of Acid House and Party drugs in the village. Ted has been quite inactive lately, but we are 2 weeks to d-day, so if you see his dickface pop-up on your twitter feed, be wise and hit ignore.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 2/10, because he recently republished his Blog Post about Smitherman's shitty bike lanes. You can move up to "Tweeps that don's piss me off" if you humbly offer OtnosmohT an apology.

@TedHeighington - Ted H (really, I am not going to try to spell that last name of his) describes himself as "a spin doctor, campaign speech writer, brand coach, political hack, pundit of other pundits, corp image & exec profile management". In layman's terms, Ted H will put his MOUTH where the MONEY is. After being pro Thomson for months, it looks like Ted H has been struck by Purple fever, now working his lips in favor of George Smitherman. Which adds further credence to the theory that money was offered in exchange for the Sarah Thomson endorsement going Smitherman's way.

Ted H also operates @killtoronto, but that account is too insignificant for OtnosmohT to do a piece on.

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 4/10, I got to give the man at least a 4 here. While he talks a lot of shit, and creates multiple accounts on Twitter to enhance Smitherman's ego/cock, he is simply doing his job. And by looking at his website, he is starving for business

@JohnADTory - John Tory Jr must know FUCK ALL about computers. His twitter profile is dry and doesn't say much about himself. Being a recluse, John also likes dealing in the backroom of politics. Well, after George offered him a piece of the Political Limelight, Tory saw an end to his Thomson hell, and connived and scammed his way into an agreement of some shape or form.

After all, why would John Tory Jr. stick around until the end of a bankrupt, going nowhere campaign? What did he have to gain (OtnosmohT promises to examine this more closely next week).

OtnosmohT Credibility verdict - 2/10, because much like his father, I think Johnny boy has what it takes to perform a grande political nosedive.

The Tweeps that don't piss OtnosmohT off

 @changetoronto - @changetoronto has been dishing out the most unbiased plethora of #VoteTO information for months. While at times OtnosmohT and @changetoronto won't see eye to eye, even the great one must admit to quality and excellent information

@groovetech - Once @Thomsonto mouth piece @groovetech has gone his own way, spending his twitter time dishing slight insults to Rossi, Ford and Smitherman. That's only in between his shitty music videos and taking Party Drugs; which kind of surprises me that he didn't go Smitherman's way. OtnosmohT guess is that Meth isn't really an @groovetech drug

@shireenj - @shireenj describes herself as a Writer, Blogger, Political Junkie, eBook and author at A one time Thomson supporter, she too is seeing the light - that George Smitherman is a stinky candidate for Mayor. After exchanging some pleasantries with OtnosmohT last week, she finds herself bumped up to Neutral.

@jamesphieffer - James recently enjoyed Thanks Giving dinner with his wife's family. James also enjoys religion, Conservativism and OtnosmohT's barrage of joyful messages.

@donaldblair - Donald can't stop laughing at the funny shit @OTnosmohT says. And OtnosmohT will continue bringing the funny to you in Twitterville

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