Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why @sattva01 is right about Rocco Rossi

I was on twitter the other day (really, what else do I do), and a conversation I had with user @sattva01 got me thinking. While I can't find (because I can't be bothered to find the thread of tweets) what the users exact wording was, I will use the space in the paragraph below to describe the conversations overall sentiment.

Rocco Rossi is a liberal goon lackey; the only reason he is in this race is to take votes away from Rob Ford.

While I didn't give it much thought at the time, after a while OtnosmohT began to ponder. I hit the news archives, the blogs, the twitter streams and Facebook, looking for a piece of evidence that connects Rossi to the Liberals, and his candidacy as nothing but a ploy to stop Rob Ford. After all Rossi is as much a part of the "anti-ford" movement as Sarah Thomson is.

While I couldn't find the missing link between Rossi and the Liberals/Smitherman on the web, I stumbled upon it today at the supermarket, where I was swarmed by a group of his canvassers.

That link can be found below:

That's right people; the smiley face!

Let me explain. During the summer months, somebody at the Rossi camp came up with the bright idea to create a smiley face button for Rocco. For a few weeks, they used the smiley face as part of their marketing material, until Bernie Morton (who was part of the group running John Tory Sr's campaign before he got off the pot) took over the Rossi campaign, and was creeped out by Rossi's pedophile smile.

But what's important about the smiley face, that would link Rossi to Smitherman and give merit to @sattva01 conspiracy that Rossi is actually working in Smitherman's favor by staying in the race.

That part is easy. It's called "Acid House"

According to Wikipedia, "Acid house is a sub-genre of house music that emphasizes a repetitive, hypnotic and trance-like style, often with samples or spoken lines rather than sung lyrics. Acid house played by DJs in the early rave scene"

Not convinced yet? According to the same Wikipedia entry, "A yellow smiley face is considered the emblem of acid house."

A yellow smiley face....hmmm. Well how the hell does Rossi's Smiley Face link him to being a Smitherman pawn? The answer to your question is two part.

First, lets apply the six degrees of separation rule to Rocco's Smiley face and George Smitherman. Rossi's Smiley face is a symbol of Acid House --> Acid House is played in Raves --> Raves are parties -->  Parites have party drugs --> Smitherman does Party Drugs --> George Smitherman for Mayor!

Its that easy people!! I can't believe I didn't come to this same conclusion much sooner.

Now skeptics out there might think my six degree of separation formula is coincidental. Well for you my dear friends, I brought in a forensic image specialist into the OtnosmohT laboratories to example the Rossi Smile more closely. Below is the original Rossi Smile image.

Our forensic image specialist zoomed it 300x. That image can be viewed below:

Still don't see it? Here it is at 1000x zoom:

And finally a closer isolated look

There you have it people. By staying in the Mayoral Race, Rocco Rossi is doing exactly what George Smitherman wants him to achieve. And that is take votes away from Rob Ford, while hoping to snatch some strategic votes using the Smiley Face.

OtnosmohT rests their case.

1 comment:

  1. You have it totally wrong - it's 'way simpler than you construct.

    The smiley is Rossi's secret signal to his supporters everywhere that he's gonna take big bites out of @TeamSmitherman's and @RobFordTeam's voter support, and chew their asses good in the media just for the sheer grin-fucking fun of it.
